This is a funny small experiment with css text shadow property I made for my own entertainment. I wanted to make a layout similar to an old typewriter text. As you see the background is a scanned slice of paper plus some GIMP magic. The text is distorted by applying a sharp shadow "text-shadow: 1px 1px 0px #303030;" for text-shadow capable browsers and "filter: Shadow(Color = #000000, Direction = 135, Strength = 0.5);" for IE. You can play with the shadow in the square box below, drag the mouse outwards from the centre (little black square). Tested in Chrome, Firefox and Opera.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec laoreet varius risus eu vulputate. Donec sit amet orci sodales enim blandit cursus a id diam. Fusce arcu lorem, molestie in malesuada ut, sodales a nunc. Nulla interdum quam et odio dapibus accumsan. Suspendisse potenti. Mauris suscipit, elit vitae consequat euismod, augue tellus sollicitudin nisi, in porttitor arcu arcu ut dui.

Click and drag the mouse to move the shadow